picture of my easel and my mahlsticktips : make a mahlstick

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When I draw or paint a portrait, I’m put my tabletop easel upright. I Don’t must rest my hand on my drawing or my painting. That is why there is a handy accessory: the hand rest.

but I work very often in A4 format, and in this case, I find this material isn’t practical. Until now, I used a tutor to plant on which I put a used kneaded eraser. That was enough for me, but it happened slips often despite the tackiness of the kneaded eraser. In addition, It fell on the floor when I wanted to put it (to mix my paint or use another accessory).

And then I remembered a system that was used in a painting workshop in Belgium. We had set a very thin wooden board on top of the bridge and used a wooden stick with a hook at the end.


This is really handy and if you build it wooden of recovery as wood pallet, it costs vistually nothing. But, I’m not handyman. So I decided to get a piece of wood and tape it on the top of my tabletop easel (until my brother screwed it correctly). Then I got a very old umbrella was no longer and I removed all the ribs and all fasteners. This umbrella has the advantage of having a well-rounded handle.

And here is my mahlstick. I’m delighted and it’s really handy!

picture of my easel and my mahlstick

My easel

Try it and if you have any questions or if you want to tell us about your system via the comments, do not hesitate!

One thought on “tips : make a mahlstick

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