
The author of this blog is french, this site is located in France and it is concerned by the french law.French law forbids you to take my works, to domage them, or divert them from their first sense.

All images, drawings and texts on this blog is protected by the French law on copyright and intellectual property (articles L.111-1 and L112-1). Photos, illustrations and themes are, except opposite mention, the property of the owner, and the creator of the site, ( The reproduction or representation, complete or partial pages, data and any other element of the blog, by any kind or support whasoever, is prohibited and constitutes, without written authorization of the publisher and author, a forgery.

Technically, I can’t prevent you from coying and from recording the images of my blog. But know that there are ways of action, as counts, I can also prevent your host and Google to quickly put a stop this looting.

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