a child is learningMy drawing courses

Until now, I attended online course in French, but the courses lowered quality and they don’t suit to me any more. So I went looking for other courses online. I visited some but I couldn’t see none which suit me. Then, a friend introduced me to ‘Drawing Tutorial online’.
With 10 days for $1, I could see the course and the forum. Yes, only $1. I felt like learning more…

Even if the level of my English does not allow me to understand everything (I’m French), the fact to seeing the teacher Matthew Archambault drawing, made me to realize that I have some more of gaps in drawing.

I shall like learning the illustration and I am really a novice in this domain. Matt is an illustrator, so I’ll learn a lot. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I want to abandon the drawing of art. For example, I want to learn to make textures and ‘Drawing Tutorials Online’  has courses on video textures.

This course will teach us to draw from life, from photographs, but also imagination! If you need further information you can contact me through this blog or try the 10 days at $ 1 by clicking here:

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I could rerelease my sketchbooks and begin to scribble characters. I am delighted.

You can see my progress on this blog.

We Can pay monthly or yearly, it is very practical.

Matt can also teach us how to paint, but I have not tried it yet. I’ll talk soon.

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2 thoughts on “My drawing courses

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