Here we are arrived in August, 2009 and I pursue my idea of gouache painting. As I indicated it in the article on the bowl, I decided to paint it.
To realize a bowl, it is necessary to make a gradation of color, and I did not know how to make. No book on the subject and nobody to teach it to me. I thus made exercises. I do not show them to you, they are very ugly.
However, I managed to make the bowl. I think that for a first painting, I did not too badly manage. The gouache is not as well easy as I thought of it. Difficult to make the brightness of a bowl in stoneware knowing that the gouache is matt.
I also remind myself that this summer was very warm and it was almost 35 °C in my apartment. The gouache dried too fast and it did not leave me a lot of time(weather) to paint in the ‘fresh’ (wet).
This is my painting :
This painting was realized in the format A5, in the extra-fine gouache.