I discovered D. Kassan by looking for a video on the drawing. His Video fascinated me : we could see each of his movements in spite of a little faster video.
I am an amateur of academic and realistic drawing. I found my happiness with Mr Kassan. In fact, the other draftsmen and painters are certainly so competent as him. But he understood the interest to show his work and especially his working way. It is what I appreciate about Mr Kassan, after his work naturally!
David Kassan was born in 1977, in Little Rock, and he studied art in New York:
- Art Students league of New York ;
- National Academy of Design – School of Fine Arts
- Syracuse University College of visual and Performing Arts – B.F.A, Syracuse, NY
But also in Italy – The British Institute of Florence – At the university of the arts of Philadelphia.
He uses with a lot of dexterity charcoal, pencil charcoal, white pencil, pastel and ……. the eraser!
Here is the video which allowed me to know Mr Kassan (Lover of soft music, an advice , lower the sound !) :
He drawn this portrait in two hours. Not bad isn’t it?
An other :
The realistic drawing has not secret for him. The line must be just of course but I think he mastered the game of shadow and light. With him, it seems so easy! But attention, do not trust to you there! He had to enormously work to get there, and his curriculum proves it! He puts at once the first lines with a big correctness to realize then details.
His drawings are in hatchings which he shades off as one goes along. He even let his apparent hatchings to show well that it is about a drawing and not about a photo.
David Kassan is also a painter. His domain of preference is oil paint.
I can assure you that they are many paintings and not photos. And I have one word: Whaou !
He show us his material of drawing here. It’s very interesting ! You will notice that his base is not charcoal, or powder of charcoal, but the black pastel. It is thus about a mixed technique. I think that it allows him to go faster, to obtain also deeper blacks easily.
The newspaper “Friday London Metro” published an article on David Kassan. It is very interesting. Know that one of his paintings is sold around 30.000 £ what amounts about to 35.000,00 €. Glad to see that the realistic painting still followers and that we can live.
He also realized a DVD.
It is also a man who tries everything. And when it tests an iPad, it gives this :
Well, I hope I have managed to be please you with this article. I also hope that you will like the work of David Jon Kassan, but also and especially the realistic drawing and painting.
- A D. Kassan drawing
- A Painting of D. Kassan
I thank Mr. David Jon Kassan for having authorized Dessins et Plaisirs© to publish the photos of this article. (Drawing and Panting© is the English Versus of Dessins et Plaisirs©).
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